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Objective 1

Implement multiple completed games, including 3D games, using common tools, languages, and software for web, console, PC, or mobile platforms.


Empty Waves/Lifelike Dialogue System




The base game of Empty Waves is my passion project and something that I will be working on to become a full game in the future! I really want to make this game and tell the stories of the characters inside of it. 

Empty Waves will be a top down, pixel style horror game with puzzles, and will focus on delivering a powerful story, hopefully made stronger with my SIP built onto it.

The Lifelike Dialogue System was built on top of this project because I want to use it to enhance the characters. It's purpose is to allow for the player themselves to feel responsible for Alexandra's actions towards other characters.


Junior Achievment




Junior Achievement is a game that is aiming to teach younger kids about financial literacy. I joined this project during development as an intern and helped it grow into so much more!

The game is going to be launched into schools once ready and will be used by students!


Tank Game




The UATanks game was a fun project to work on for sure! Working on it helped me learn some early and very important skills, like adding in menus and win and loss scenarios. 

It also allowed me to work on different types of AI of my own design, which is very interesting and challenging. Another huge point was random generation of the map using template rooms that were spawned in to connect together!






I joined onto this project later in its development and was able to help solidify some of the core elements and add more into the game to make it feel like there was more to it. 

One of the main things I worked on was the beginning of a new enemy that would have the ability to stalk the player through walls. I had to go in and make special exceptions for this enemy to be able to pass through the Navmesh where other characters couldn't.

I also worked on implementing the inventory system. I mostly worked on displaying icons in the inventory itself and setting up the slots to actually work. I also worked on the beginnings of being able to pick things up and have them pass into the inventory screen.


Zombie Shooter Game




A fun project to build, I shot to make a short, but fun experience in this classic style. It was one of my first tastes of making a full game, menu to end of the gameplay loop. 

Some of the major points I wanted to hit was the ability to pick up gun powerups as a way to swap your gun like in games of a similar style. 

Objective 1: Services


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