Objective 4
Use software development processes to analyze a project problem, and to design, build, and test a corresponding software solution.

Junior Achievement
This was another project that I joined during production, and it was even more productive than the last. But, it had it's fair share of roadblocks.
My fellow programmer and I were both new to the project, with no programmers from the past currently working, we had a mission to go out and figure out what everything did. Talking amongst each other and writing down notes to share later, we went through relevant files and figured out what they did, as many didn't have in depth comments.
Despite having to clear that to fully dive into work, we added so much to the project, including a new minigame, new area, revamped banking and a tutorial/quest system!

Tank Game
Going into this project, I knew that I would need to make a few different types of AI for the game.
One of my initial ideas, however, became too much for me to take on at my skill level. I wanted to make an AI that would slowly check around the map for the player, but couldn't get past the roadblock of getting it to cycle through multiple waypoints at that point in time.
After finally realizing it was a little too much, I decided to split the idea into two. One would end up being a patrolling AI that would check through just two spots on the map, while the other would become my hunter AI that would come after the player no matter where they were.